behaviour consultations

You’re not alone in your dog’s journey. Let us be the tour guide.

Dealing with inappropriate behaviours

Have you ever wondered why your dog displays ”inappropriate” behaviours that you do not understand?

Well for sure, you are not alone and you may have asked yourself, “Why me. I have owned dogs for years but never one like this!”

Understandably it can be very distressing for you to see your beloved dog behaving inappropriately. This is especially so when you have no idea of how to deal with the situation or any idea why it is happening. 

It can also be very distressing for the dog too. Inappropriate behaviours are often the dogs way of trying to cope in a particular situation that they themselves do not understand or know how to help themselves.

Behaviours might include…


Aggression towards other dogs


resource guarding

Fear of loud noises


excessive barking

fear of car travel


house training issues





Take a deep breath, help is available!

As a fully qualified Canine Behaviourist my aim is to explore why the dog is behaving in a particular manner and to help overcome the struggle.

This involves meeting both owner and dog for an initial consultation. This may take place either in person or via a zoom call where we discuss a full history of the dog including any medical conditions.

With any behaviour issue it is important to have a vet check before embarking on a behaviour program to rule out any possible underlying medical conditions. This is because there may be a link between medical issues and behaviour e.g. pain.

I will endeavor to help you understand why the behaviour is occurring and what course of action to take.

It is important to understand however, that very often dog behaviour problems are not generally resolved by just an initial consultation. Very often owners and their dogs need ongoing support through a behaviour modification program and this will be discussed during the consultation.

I only take on a small number of behavioural cases at anyone time and with those that are truly committed to putting in the work and time required to help their dogs resolve their struggles.

If this sounds like you then let’s have a call so I can find out more about your struggles and to see if we are a good fit together. 

I look forward to speaking with you.